What went right this week: inspiring climate solutions, plus more positive news

A project launched to showcase climate solutions

From organic rooftop farms in India to electric ferries in Scandinavia, the climate crisis is inspiring innovation and creativity all over the world. 

Celebrating humanity’s response to its greatest challenge is a new online photography project, which showcases positive solutions to climate change; from the grassroots to the industrial. 

Climate Visuals doesn’t shy away from the severity of the crisis; alongside images of solutions are pictures that highlight what’s at stake. However, at its heart, it is an exhibition about hope and opportunity. 

The project was launched by Climate Outreach, a UK charity that puts people at the heart of the climate debate. It was founded in 2004 to boost engagement around a subject that was mostly discussed in scientific terms. 

The images are free to organisations that communicate about the climate crisis. A selection will be shown at the forthcoming Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Image: Raphael Pouget/Climate Visuals Countdown

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