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Sun, October 27, 2024 03:00
DST ends in Austria. So this is the longest week in most of Europe 😉.
Sat, October 26, 2024 , All Day
National Holiday October 26 has been the date of Austria's National Day since 1965. Ten years earlier, the country had declared its permanent neutrality, which has since become one of the fundamental values of Austrian foreign policy. One day before the declaration, on October 25, 1955, the last foreign troops left the country, which had been occupied by the four allied powers (Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain and France) since the end of World War II.
Sun, October 6, 2024 02:00
One hour less to sleep Australian Capital Territory (ACT) New South Wales (NSW) South Australia (SA) Victoria (VIC) Tasmania (TAZ)
Thu, September 19, 2024 00:00
Wiesn1 DO 19 SEPT Live in concert David Hasselhoff, Milli Vanilli FR 20 SEPT Egon7 live DO 26 SEPT MALLORCAPARTY PART I mit Mia Julia, Lorenz Büffel, Julian Benz, Die Atzen live FR 27 SEPT Meilenstein live SA 28 SEPT Die Fürsten live DO 03 OKT Live in concert Hermes House Band, Right Said Fred live FR 04 OKT …
Sun, September 8, 2024 09:00
"Rote Nasen Lauf" in Vienna. Charity for children in hospitals. https://www.rotenasenlauf.at/information (in German)
Wed, August 21, 2024 17:00
Great music in Vienna [caption id="attachment_169182" align="alignnone" width="300"] Singer Chris Martin of British rock band Coldplay performs on stage during a concert at the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna, Austria on August 21, 2024. Security measures have been tightened in Vienna for a series of concerts by British band Coldplay this week, Austrian police said on August 20, 2024, after Taylor Swift's shows were cancelled after a suicide bombing plot.[/caption]
Thu, April 25, 2024 , All Day
Anzac Day is a day on which people commemorate the contributions of the Australian and New Zealand armed forces. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
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