Look For the Perseid Meteor Shower and Spectacular Saturn Show This Week

By Dave Hoefler

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the best shows all year for “shooting stars”.

Though the Perseids have been active since July 14, the frequency of meteors hurtling through the sky is now heating up this week.

Scientists say the peak time to view this shower will be on the night of Thursday, August 11. The full moon that night may make it tougher to spot the meteors, so train your eyes toward the darker areas and watch closely.

This week is also one of the best times to see the ringed planet of Saturn in dramatic fashion.

On Sunday, August 14, the giant world will line up with the Earth and the Sun. The alignment is called an “opposition.”

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Saturn will be closer to Earth than it has been in more than a year. If you want a peek at the planet, look for a golden yellow light shining steadily in the east after sunset.

With binoculars, you may even see the spectacular Saturn rings.

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