From Sewage-Filled Waters to Crystal Blue: Switzerland Rivers and Lakes Offer Hope for Cleaning Up Other Countries

From Phoebe Weston at the Guardian comes the story of the Herculean effort to clean up Switzerland’s waterways, an effort that has transformed the unique European country into one that enjoys the cleanest urban swimming spots on the continent.
In the 1960s, water quality in the form of sewage treatment investment received the smallest share of attention, and rivers and lakes like the famous one at Geneva were covered in algal mats, off-colored foam, and dead fish.
A typhoid outbreak at Zermatt in 1963 led to several deaths, and hundreds fell ill. It was found that raw sewage was the cause of the epidemic, and an outcry from the public led to massive investments in sewage treatment and pollution control.
That was then. Now, as Weston’s photography testifies, the “Blue Gold” of Switzerland’s waterways are the envy of their neighbors, and people of all ages and at all hours flood the beaches to enjoy a swim, even in the nippy early spring.
“Very high water quality is important to the population,” says Michael Mattle, head of wastewater technology at the engineering company Holinger. “We take a lot of care not to pollute water on its way through Switzerland.”
According to one source, in 1965, only 14% of the population of Switzerland was connected to a wastewater treatment plant. Today it’s 98%, and the government spends €191 on water purification per citizen, compared to just €98 in the UK, for example.
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Since 2016, the Swiss federal government has also been working on a massive pollution control effort for drugs and medications flushed down the toilet when they’re excreted by the body. They include, as Weston details, antidepressants, anti-inflammatories, diabetes medication, and even antibiotics.
Wastewater treatment plants basically work like a human stomach, utilizing bacteria to digest and remove organic matter from water. Alternatively, the treatment for these pollutant drugs requires flushing the water through activated charcoal which can remove 80% of the total pollutant load. What’s left are the famous PFAS compounds referred to as “forever chemicals” by the media.
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That 20%, operators at the wastewater plants say, should be the focus of regulatory legislation, not treatment infrastructure.
Weston also reports that the EU, and Switzerland’s near neighbors, are visiting to learn about and hopefully replicate the country’s success, with the EU considering new legislation that would require any sewage treatment plants that serve areas of more than 10,000 people to treat for the pollutant pharmaceuticals mentioned above.
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