3-year-old is Hero for Braving the Dark to Help Great-Grandma After Bloody Fall: ‘Yay, I did it!’

From Colorado comes the story of a little boy conquering his fear of the dark to help a family member in an emergency.
Sharon Lewis, a 77-year-old great-grandmother with mobility problems, fell on a concrete step, suffering a serious concussion. She knew she needed to call 911, but had left her phone in the car.
All alone that evening with her little 3-year-old great-grandson Bridger, he was her only hope. Bridger came and found his “G.G.” (short for great-grandmother) lying on the ground bleeding from her head.
“I said, ‘So Bridger, you’re going to have to be a big boy and go out to the car and get G.G.’s phone,’ And he said, ‘It’s really dark, G.G.,’” Lewis recounted. “I said, ‘It’ll be OK. Jesus will help you. Don’t be afraid.’”
Home security footage shows Bridger walking determinedly into the garage, saying to himself “Don’t be scared, don’t be scared,” before opening the car door and finding the phone.
“I went out—right there—and I was so scared!” Bridger said in a video message shared with Good Morning America, reporting on the story.
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Despite his fears, he celebrated finding the phone, with the camera picking him up saying “Yay, I did it!”
Bridger later said he wanted to be brave like the puppies on his favorite show Paw Patrol.
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Lewis would end up needing 23 medical staples in her head from the fall. She says she stared to call him “hero” but he just reminds her that his name is Bridger.
“[H]e doesn’t get it but he really is a hero to me,” she said.
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