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DO you wish you could be less charismatic and just kind of blend into the wallpaper? Master of not-making-an-impression Keir Starmer is here with some tips.
Look like a shop window dummy
If you resemble a dummy in a local men’s outfitters modelling cheap office wear, you’ve got the classic Starmer look. It’s even better if you have the same blank, crudely moulded expression as a mannequin and people subconsciously suspect you’re an Auton from Doctor Who.
Copy what other people are doing
I’m cleverly avoiding criticism by supporting most Tory policies. In much the same way, if you’re at a social gathering and people are talking about films, join in but with minimal enthusiasm. People will find it hard to forget an out-there guy whose favourite film is Saving Private Ryan!
Bore your audience
Even with emotive subjects like Covid deaths, sound like a jaded middle manager reading out unremarkable quarterly sales figures. You could be discussing a drug-fuelled threesome with Emma Watson and Nicholas Cage and listeners should be mentally compiling their next shopping list. Four tins of beans or maybe just two?
Sound fake even when you’re totally sincere
I like to lower my voice creepily and sound extra-intense when discussing something that’s morally wrong or genuinely distressing. It’s off-putting but in a subtle way, like an overwrought but not-totally-terrible amateur dramatics performance.
Be serious
Everyone’s sick of Boris Johnson’s idiotic clowning, so I go to the other extreme of constantly acting as if there’s been a death in the family. It’s important people know you’re a deeply serious person. It can’t be helped if they’d run screaming into a busy road to avoid talking to you.
Drone on about patriotism unconvincingly
Keep saying how great Britain is to the point of obsession, and if you see a Union Jack, stand in front of it. Clearly only doing it to cling onto the votes of xenophobes, mad nationalists and racists will win you loads of respect too.
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