Good News in History, March 17

125 years ago today, Isadora Duncan, the first modern dancer, made her debut as a solo interpretive dancer in London to crowds who marveled at her daring. Here, writes the Daily Telegraph at the turn of the millennium, was a very young woman, barefoot and underdressed, performing alone and without scenery—not…

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New Method Can Recycle All Parts of a Modern Solar Cell with Water: ‘We Can Recycle Everything’

Solar is one of the best solutions to the growing demand for renewable green energy. However, while conventional solar panels contribute to clean energy production, their disposal presents several environmental challenges. Now, a groundbreaking innovation may change that: researchers have developed a method to fully recycle modern solar panels using water…

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Lowe’s Invests $9M to Address Skilled Trades Shortage as Wages Rise Amid Worker Shortage

$9 million in grants from Lowe’s is going to support 15 nonprofits dedicated to training the next generation of tradespeople to meet the growing demand for workers—fueled by rising wages and expanding job opportunities. The grants support training programs focusing on carpentry and construction, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and appliance repair. From…

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