New Tech Revives ‘Unusable’ Organs–10 Successful Transplants Used Kidneys That Are Normally Discarded

New technologies are often referred to as life-changing, but that phrase quite literally describes the work that 34 Lives is doing for those awaiting kidney transplants. The team’s innovative technology “revives” kidneys that might be otherwise rejected for consideration by transplant surgeons. The team’s tenacious desire to save lives has resulted…

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Voyager 1 Returning Science Data from All Four Instruments After Months of Radio Silence

Two months after NASA crews reestablished diagnostic communications with Voyager 1, they just recently received scientific observational data as well. Transmitted via the last remaining instruments still operational aboard the furthest man-made object from Earth, the data provides critical observations on plasma and magnetism in interstellar space. It’s been 46 years…

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