Pony-Sized Dinosaurs Swam or Floated Across Hundreds of Miles of Ocean from America to Colonize Africa

Describing a “once-in-a-million year event,” an international team of paleontologists has suggested that, though nearly impossible, a herd of pony-sized duck-billed dinosaurs must have either floated or swam across to Africa up to 66 million years ago. Fossils belonging to three species of duck-billed dinosaurs were found in Morocco, on a…

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Tube of Red Lipstick 4,000 Years Old Unearthed in Iran Bears ‘Striking Resemblance’ to Modern Ingredients

While the ancient Egyptians may have made eyeliner famous, a stunningly detailed archaeological find shows that ancient Iranians may have held the first patents on lipstick. Detailed recently in a study in the journal Scientific Reports, a vial of deep red powder found during excavations of a pre-Achaemenid Iranian civilization dating…

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